Saturday, Caroline and I went for a walk and checked out a neighbors house that had tragically burnt down. It had been a beautiful home. But, there was already a construction permit on a tree at the end of the driveway so I can't wait to see what the new house will look like.
Then the boys went fishing so Caroline, Kate and I took a little trip into downtown Helen. Kate was asleep for this part, but that didn't stop us from posing her in a couple places. It reminded me of those commercials with the pictures of the gnome wherever he is traveling.
Here is Kate at the fountain downtown.
While downtown, we watched a youth group dance. All I can tell you about this is that the lady who introduced them insisted that this would "bless our socks off." It was fun to watch and identify reasons each person was participating. There was the one curly haired, blonde boy who was way to into it. Then there was the high school jock with the backwards hat who was surprisingly good and rocking it out. And then there was the boy in the back corner who was clearly just participating to hopefully meet some girls. The crowd was into it. I don't know if my socks were blessed right off, but my shoes felt special at least.
Then Caroline and I got Caramel Appples. Yummy!!! We went down by the river and sat on a swing to enjoy our apples before driving back to the house. While we were sitting there this little boy walked down by the water and was looking at the huge water slide that was on the other side. When his parent called him to come he said, "But we just got here. I just thought we could look some." Too cute.
Here is Kate by the river.
That night we played a lot of Sequences and watched football while Baby Kate took a nap on Erik's chest. Too cute. He is going to be an awesome dad.
Sunday we had to leave kind of early because we had to get home and settled before going back out again for Joy's birthday party. Before we left, we took Kate down to the lake and took some pictures to commemorate her first trip. All in all, it was a very relaxing weekend with wonderful friends and it is nice to know that Kate is welcome too.
So, hope you enjoyed the pics and that something wonderful blesses your socks off this week. :)